


徳岡良則, 早川宗志, 木村健一郎, 高嶋賢二, 藤田儲三, 橋越清一(2016)学際的手法で探る豊後水道沿岸域のアオギリの分布に対する人為的影響.日本森林学会誌 98:199-206

[抄録] 人の移動や交易を通して導入された多くの植物が地域生態系に影響を与えている。その由来に在来説と外来説のある落葉高木のアオイ科アオギリ属のアオギリは日本の暖温帯に分布する。本研究では豊後水道沿岸域におけるアオギリの出現遷移段階,植物利用,方言名を評価し,本種の分布への人為的影響を考察した。古地図,歴史資料,古老の証言,林分調査の結果によれば,従来原生林とされてきた愛媛県愛南町西海鹿島のアオギリ優占林は人為的撹乱を受けていた。その他のアオギリは特定の集落周辺の撹乱跡地に偏在していた。この結果は本種が遷移途上の林分に主に生育することを示唆した。対象地域内では,昭和中頃までアオギリの樹皮繊維に多くの用途があった。本種は高知県の人家浦,宮崎県の山地斜面に植栽されていた。九州と四国には「ヘラ」と「イサキ」というアオギリの共通の方言名があった。歴史資料によると,江戸後期に「ヘラ」と呼ばれたアオイ科シナノキ属樹種が九州から中国地方へ繊維採取用に導入されている。この事実と本研究結果は豊後水道沿岸域のアオギリは海路を通じた繊維利用文化の伝播に由来し,特定の集落周辺に現存しているという新たな仮説を想起させる。


Tokuoka Y, Yamasaki F, Kimura K, Hashigoe K, Oka M (2019) Tracing chronological shifts in farmland demarcation trees in southwestern Japan: implications from species distribution patterns, folk nomenclature, and multiple usage. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 15:21.


Background: Understanding the history of anthropogenic vegetation is often difficult due to the lack of tangible historical evidence. In this study, we examined chronological changes of farmland demarcation trees planted on alluvial plains along the Hijikawa River in southwestern Japan based on species distribution patterns, folk nomenclature, and multiple usage of the trees.

Methods: The species composition of demarcation trees was investigated at 47 sites in 13 villages. We performed hierarchical clustering using Bray–Curtis measures to detect groups of similar tree composition and permutational multivariate analysis of variance to test whether differences in species composition correspond to village units. To better understand the traditional knowledge of demarcation trees, we conducted interviews with 53 farmers, most of whom were over 60 years old.

Results: Clustering resulted in six tree composition groups. The group characterized by the most frequently planted species, Chaenomeles speciosa, dominated around lower reach villages. The group characterized by Euonymus japonicus dominated around middle reach villages, and that characterized by Salix pierotii was mainly located around upper reach villages. Chaenomeles speciosa was always identified with the standard Japanese name boke or similar names. Euonymus japonicus and several other species were also called boke by many farmers. Several elderly farmers stated that C. speciosa was pervasive in upper and middle reach villages in their youth, suggesting the prototypical use of C. speciosa in the study area. In addition, some minor species were likely to have been left after commercial crop production or subsistence use between the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, including Morus sp. and Celtis sinensis for sericulture, Salix koriyanagi for fiber production, and Gardenia jasminoides for food coloration. The name kōshin bana recorded for E. japonicus suggests that the species’ use originated from the folk faiths Kōshin-shinkō and/or Shōmen-Kongō.

Conclusions: The composition of demarcation trees in the region has not been stable over time, but instead changed to reflect the local livelihood, industry, and faiths. Despite the lack of tangible historical evidence, the spatial distribution patterns, folk nomenclature, and traditional knowledge of plants can provide clues to trace the chronological background of ecotopes in anthropogenic landscapes.


